


DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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Dragon Quest X [PC] #419 (ネタバレあり), V5.3: Evil God Dabiyaga

公開日 2022-07-24 19:16:08
タグ Dragon Warrior,Dragon Quest,Dragon Warrior X,Dragon Quest X,DQ10,Enix,Square Enix,Square-Enix,Level 5,Level-5,Armor Project,Bird Studio,Akira Toriyama,Koichi Sugiyama,gaming,video game,playthrough,walkthrough,Evil God Dabiyaga,#419

This is video #419 in my Dragon Quest X for PC gameplay series. Look out for spoilers (ネタバレあり).

この動画で利用している株式会社スクウェア・エニックスを代表とする共同著作者が権利を所有する著作物及びスギヤマ工房有限会社が権利を所有する楽曲の転載・配布は禁止いたします。 (Reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works owned by co-authors such as Square Enix Co., Ltd. and songs owned by Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. used in this video are prohibited.)

Davilas is currently working on the Version 5.3 storyline. Previously, he made his way through the Approach to the Sealed God and entered Jagonuba’s Temple. He solved the temple’s puzzles and found the Chamber of the God of the Other World. After some scenes, he made an initial attempt to defeat the Evil God Dabiyaga with Anlucia, Yushka, and Irusha. Now, they will continue beating their heads against this boss until they take it down.

Davilas resumes in his house in the Azlan housing area. Outside, he checks his mail and receives gold for items that sold on the bazaar. Many thanks to the buyers!

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the west wing of the Great Demon King’s Castle.

Great Demon King’s Castle (time 2:14):

Davilas visits the bank and deposits most of his gold. At the bar, he hires a support party for later. Sadly, they cannot be used during the battle against Dabiyaga.

When he is ready to go, Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to Jagonuba’s Temple.

Jagonuba Temple (time 4:48):

Davilas arrives at E-1 on floor B3. He takes the northern door to the Chamber of the God of the Other World. His support characters are removed from his party, and Irusha, Yushka, and Anlucia are added.

Dabiyaga Attempt #2 (time 5:50):

Davilas examines Rushenda’s barrier at D-4/E-4 to start his second attempt against the Evil God Jagonuba. The scene prior to the battle replays.

Afterwards, the second attempt against Jagonuba begins. Definitely not a good battle for squishy characters.

Davilas’s party fails. Afterwards, he uses an Yggdrasil Leaf to revive at E-5 in the Chamber of the God of the Other World. He talks to Irusha to restore his HP and MP.

Dabiyaga Attempt #3 (time 25:05):

Davilas examines Rushenda’s barrier at D-4/E-4 to start his third attempt against the Evil God Jagonuba. He skips the introductory scene and gets directly to the battle against Jagonuba.

Davilas’s party fails. Afterwards, he uses an Yggdrasil Leaf to revive at E-5 in the Chamber of the God of the Other World. He talks to Irusha to restore his HP and MP.

Dabiyaga Attempt #4 (time 39:40):

Davilas examines Rushenda’s barrier at D-4/E-4 to start his fourth attempt against the Evil God Jagonuba. He skips the introductory scene and gets directly to the battle against Jagonuba.

Davilas’s party fails. Afterwards, he uses an Yggdrasil Leaf to revive at E-5 in the Chamber of the God of the Other World. He talks to Irusha to restore his HP and MP.

Dabiyaga Attempt #5 (time 56:11):

Davilas examines Rushenda’s barrier at D-4/E-4 to start his fifth attempt against the Evil God Jagonuba. He skips the introductory scene and gets directly to the battle against Jagonuba.

Davilas’s party fails. Afterwards, he uses an Yggdrasil Leaf to revive at E-5 in the Chamber of the God of the Other World. He talks to Irusha to restore his HP and MP.

Dabiyaga Attempt #6 – Successful (time 1:05:23):

Davilas examines Rushenda’s barrier at D-4/E-4 to start his sixth attempt against the Evil God Jagonuba. He skips the introductory scene and gets directly to the battle against Jagonuba.

Fortunately, this attempt ends in success. Yay! Please, game, no more battles like this.

Post-Dabiyaga Scene (time 1:22:24):

After Dabiyaga’s defeat, a long scene takes place. The big guy starts causing big problems. However, Davilas and company receive help from an unexpected corner.

The description is continued in the comments.




DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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