


DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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Dragon Quest X [PC] #416 (ネタバレあり), V5.3: Story Quest 652; Zahadigal Rock Peak

公開日 2022-07-21 20:19:08
タグ Dragon Warrior,Dragon Quest,Dragon Warrior X,Dragon Quest X,DQ10,Enix,Square Enix,Square-Enix,Level 5,Level-5,Armor Project,Bird Studio,Akira Toriyama,Koichi Sugiyama,gaming,video game,playthrough,walkthrough,#416

This is video #416 in my Dragon Quest X for PC gameplay series. Look out for spoilers (ネタバレあり).

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Davilas is currently working on the Version 5.3 storyline. Previously, he carried out a couple more story quests. He did Quest 650 for Valeria and Quest 651 for Asbar and Linberi. Now, he will work on Quest 652 for Yushka.

Davilas resumes in his house in the Azlan housing area. Outside, he checks his mail and receives gold for items that sold on the bazaar. Many thanks to the buyers!

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the west wing of the Great Demon King’s Castle.

Great Demon King’s Castle (time 1:55):

Davilas visits the bank in the west wing and deposits his gold. Also, he visits the pub and changes his vocation to Level 122 Minstrel.

Davilas teleports to the castle’s east wing and enters Yushka’s room at F-5. Within, he talks to Yushka at E-5. Yushka issues Quest 652: “The Great Demon King’s Colossal Statue”. Davilas must go north from the Gerhena Phantom Field to the Gradel Plateau, where he will find the Great Demon Kings’ Face Wall.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the Grand Court Gate.

Grand Court Gate (time 5:41):

Davilas exits south at D-8 to the Gerhena Phantom Field.

Gerhena Phantom Field (time 6:13):

Davilas arrives at C-2 in the northwest. He works his way east.

At E-2, Davilas takes the gate north to the Gradel Plateau (グラデル台地).

Gradel Plateau (time 7:13):

Davilas starts at D-8 in the south. The exit to his destination is in the northern end of the zone.

At D-7, Davilas examines the Abyss Gate. This adds a new destination to the Abyss Jewel. Davilas begins exploring the area.

In the southeast, a black chest at G-7 contains a Machine God’s Eye (機神の眼甲) accessory.

At H-5 in the east, a black chest contains 3 Red Orbs.

In the apprentices’ hut at F-5, Davilas finds a black chest at F-4 along the eastern wall. It contains 10 Amber Dahlias (アンバーダリア).

In the west, a black chest at A-5 contains 3 Silver Alchemy Stones (銀の錬金石).

By the northern exit, Davilas examines the Abyss Gate at D-1. This adds another new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

Then, he exits north to the Great Demon Kings’ Face Wall (大魔王顔壁) at D-1.

Great Demon Kings’ Face Wall (time 16:02):

A brief scene plays as Davilas enters the area. The Face Wall is Mount Rushmore for Great Demon Kings.

Davilas gains control at D-7 in the south.

In the north, he talks to Mohipenko, the master artisan, at D-2. This triggers some dialogue. The next objective is to defeat Vicious Bunicorns in the Gerhena Phantom Field to obtain a Phantom Beast Horn.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the Abandoned Rock Hole in the Gerhena Phantom Field.

Gerhena Phantom Field (time 18:27):

Davilas arrives in the Abandoned Rock Hole at C-6. He heads outside.

Northeast of the Abandoned Rock Hole, Davilas finds Vicious Bunicorns (いっかくウサギ・強) starting around C-5. He begins targeting them.

After a few battles, Davilas acquires the Phantom Beast Horn (幻獣のツノ) key item. His next objective is to take this to Mohipenko at the Face Wall.

Davilas teleports to the exit to the Face Wall in the Gradel Plateau with the Abyss Jewel.

Gradel Plateau (time 22:05):

Davilas exits north to the Face Wall at D-1.

Great Demon Kings’ Face Wall (time 22:29):

Davilas goes north and talks to Mohipenko at D-2. He hands over the Phantom Beast Horn. The next objective is to talk to Mohipenko’s apprentices in the hut on the Gradel Plateau.

Davilas exits south at D-7 to the Gradel Plateau.

Gradel Plateau (time 24:23):

Davilas goes southeast and enters the apprentices’ hut at F-5. Within, he talks to Migelei at F-5 near the entrance. The next objective is to talk to someone in Zekres’s item shop.

Davilas also talks to Borojan at F-5 and Rimua at F-4.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to Zekres.

Magical Land of Zekres (time 26:53):

In the item shop at D-4, Davilas talks to Dulme at C-3. Dulme gives him the Makai Macaron (マカイ・マカロン) key item. Davilas must now take this to Mohipenko.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the exit to the Face Wall in the Gradel Plateau.

The description is continued in the comments.




DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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