


DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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Dragon Quest X [PC] #407 (ネタバレあり), Level 124 Unlock Quest 709; Goreham-Hogg

公開日 2022-07-12 19:43:55
タグ Dragon Warrior,Dragon Quest,Dragon Warrior X,Dragon Quest X,DQ10,Enix,Square Enix,Square-Enix,Level 5,Level-5,Armor Project,Bird Studio,Akira Toriyama,Koichi Sugiyama,gaming,video game,playthrough,walkthrough,Incarnation of Moaning,General Goleon,Goreham-Hogg,#407

This is video #407 in my Dragon Quest X for PC gameplay series. Look out for spoilers (ネタバレあり).

この動画で利用している株式会社スクウェア・エニックスを代表とする共同著作者が権利を所有する著作物及びスギヤマ工房有限会社が権利を所有する楽曲の転載・配布は禁止いたします。 (Reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works owned by co-authors such as Square Enix Co., Ltd. and songs owned by Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. used in this video are prohibited.)

Previously, Davilas wrapped up the Version 5.1 storyline. He infiltrated the Zekres Castle Underground and fought his way past some Zekres Magic Soldiers and Zekres Elite Soldiers. When he reached the Zekres Castle Magic Square, Queen Elgadora forced Asbar to become the Ancient Demon. It would appear that he vaporized Queen Valeria, but appearances can be deceiving. Davilas and Yushka defeated the Ancient Demon. Fortunately, Asbar and Yushka survived. Davilas returned to Lord Masen at the Goda Temple to finish the Version 5.1 story. Now, Davilas will work on the Level 124 unlock quest, newly released in the Version 6.2 update.

Davilas resumes in his house in the Azlan housing area. Outside, he checks his mail and receives gold for items that sold on the bazaar. Many thanks to the buyers! At the bank, Davilas deposits most of his gold. He also withdraws a General Goleon Card that will expire in a couple of days.

Davilas Zooms to the Underground Lake Cave (地底湖の洞くつ) in the Wena Archipelago.

Underground Lake Cave (time 3:04):

Davilas takes the door at D-2 to the Heavenly Voice Chamber.

Within, he talks to the Celestial Musician at F-4/F-5. The Celestial Musician issues Quest 709: “The Five Voices of the Samurai are Moaning Voices”. Completing this quest raises the level limit to 124. I believe the prerequisite is to reach Level 120 in any vocation. The first objective is to visit Heavenly Player Garan at the northern end of the Zama Pass on the Ogrid continent.

Davilas Evacs out of the dungeon.

Reinamu Greenfields (time 5:36):

Davilas Zooms to the Zama Pass.

Zama Pass (time 6:12):

Davilas arrives at the camp at D-4. He goes north.

At D-1 in the north, Davilas talks to Heavenly Player Garan. She is taciturn, but she gives Davilas the Morgen’s Letter (モルゲンの手紙) key item. The next objective is to visit Morgen at the Zama Pass camp.

Davilas Zooms to the Zama Pass camp. He talks to Morgen, who is standing guard outside the northern entrance. Davilas shows him Morgen’s Letter. This triggers some dialogue. The next objective is to revisit the Celestial Musician in the Underground Lake Cave.

Davilas Zooms to the Underground Lake Cave.

Underground Lake Cave (time 11:41):

Davilas takes the door at D-2 to the Heavenly Voice Chamber.

Within, he talks to the Celestial Musician at F-4/F-5. This triggers some dialogue. Davilas must go to the Lake Above the Clouds on Landon Mountain. There, he must find the Gloris Tree and speak a phrase: てんそうしがらん.

Davilas Evacs out of the dungeon.

Reinamu Greenfields (time 13:49):

Davilas Zooms to Gerd Strait.

Gerd Strait (time 14:13):

Davilas arrives at the Inn on the Bridge at D-4. He goes southeast.

He exits to Landon Mountain at F-8.

Landon Mountain (time 15:31):

Davilas arrives at D-2 in the north. He goes southeast.

At G-6, he sets a Zoom Stone to the southeastern crystal.

Then, Davilas takes the teleportal at G-6 to the Lake Above the Clouds (雲上湖).

Lake Above the Clouds (time 17:46):

Davilas gains control at F-4. At D-4, he finds a sparkly spot. This is where the Gloris Tree is under the ice. Standing by the sparkly spot, Davilas speaks the phrase てんそうしがらん.

This triggers a scene with the spirit of Garan. It looks like she got removed from her body. Davilas’s next objective is to return to the corporeal Garan in the north of Zama Pass.

Davilas Zooms to Zama Pass.

Zama Pass (time 20:03):

Davilas arrives at the camp at D-4. He heads north.

At D-1, Davilas talks to Heavenly Player Garan. This triggers some dialogue. Davilas agrees to proceed to the trial. He is taken to the battlefield.

The description is continued in the comments.




DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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