


DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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Dragon Quest X [PC] #404 (ネタバレあり), V5.1: Necrodea Ruins: Lantel; Story Quests

公開日 2022-07-09 17:20:43
タグ Dragon Warrior,Dragon Quest,Dragon Warrior X,Dragon Quest X,DQ10,Enix,Square Enix,Square-Enix,Level 5,Level-5,Armor Project,Bird Studio,Akira Toriyama,Koichi Sugiyama,gaming,video game,playthrough,walkthrough,#404

This is video #404 in my Dragon Quest X for PC gameplay series. Look out for spoilers (ネタバレあり).

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Davilas is currently working on the Version 5.1 storyline. Previously, he explored the rest of Magic Garden Madesance with Peperogoura and Irusha. After defeating Jaomanda, he acquired the Great Demon King’s Seal. Then, he returned to the True Magic Palace to close out the Goura portion of this story. Unfortunately, as Davilas and Irusha were leaving the True Magic Palace, Valeria and Yushka both arrived to cause trouble. Yushka abducted Irusha and took her off to Farazard. I could just slap Valeria and Yushka both. Davilas’s next objective is to take the gate from the Gerhena Phantom Field to the Jalimbaha Desert.

As of this recording, the Version 6.2 update is three days away. Fortunately, it seems that another level limit upgrade quest will be available with it. Considering Davilas is at Minstrel Level 120 and the current level limit is 122, he will need that upgrade quest soon.

Davilas resumes at his house in the Azlan housing area. Outside, he checks his mail and receives gold for items that sold on the bazaar. Many thanks to the buyers!

Davilas withdraws his gold from the bank. At the bazaar, he picks up a Bright Sky Staff (輝天のこん), a Level 115 staff. Is Level 115 currently the limit for crafted items? When he has done this, he deposits his remaining money in the bank.

Afterwards, Davilas teleports to the Jalimbaha Desert gate in the Gerhena Phantom Field with the Abyss Jewel.

Gerhena Phantom Field (time 5:13):

Davilas arrives at the Jalimbaha Desert gate at E-7. He takes the gate to the desert.

Jalimbaha Desert (time 5:57):

As Davilas enters the desert, a scene with Lady Valeria’s forces takes place. It looks like she is leading her forces to war against Farazard. Not good. A sandstorm blows in. Momomo, a Teeny Sanguini from Jadin Garden, tells Davilas to go through the ruined land of Necrodea, accessible in the southwest of Gerhena. Momomo gives Davilas the Scroll of Shadows (幽冥の巻物) key item.

Gerhena Phantom Field (time 10:27):

After the scene, Davilas regains control at E-7 in Gerhena Phantom Field.

He teleports to the Abandoned Rock Hole at C-6 with the Abyss Jewel. He goes outside and works his way southwest.

At B-7, Davilas finds the gate to the Former Necrodea Territory. He examines the gate. In the event that follows, he uses the Scroll of Shadows to get rid of the seal on the gate.

Afterwards, Davilas takes the gate at B-7 to the Former Necrodea Territory (旧ネクロデア領).

Former Necrodea Territory (time 13:18):

Davilas gains control at F-1 in the northeast of the area. He examines the Abyss Gate just ahead at F-1 to add a new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

Davilas begins exploring the area in search of treasures, loot, and Abyss Gates.

At F-3, a black chest contains a Substitute Coin (身代わりのコイン).

As Davilas approaches the archway at F-3, a gate guardian talks to him briefly.

In front of the church in the Village Ruins, Davilas finds an Abyss Gate at D-4. He examines it for another Abyss Jewel destination.

In ruins at D-3/D-4, a black chest contains 5 Lottery Tickets.

At C-3 in the northwest, a black chest contains 3 Yellow Orbs.

In a cul-de-sac at C-5, a black chest contains a General Goleon Medal (ゴレオン将軍メダル).

As Davilas approaches the checkpoint at C-6, the checkpoint gate closes. Davilas will have to go the long way around.

Davilas goes through the tunnel at D-5/D-6 to the eastern part of the area.

Between a couple of ruined walls at E-5, a black chest contains 3 Red Orbs.

There is a mine area in the valley at E-5. At E-6, Davilas enters a mine tunnel.

At the southern end of the mine tunnel, a black chest at E-7 contains a chunk of Dark Night Magic Stone (暗夜の魔石).

At E-6, Davilas exits the mine tunnel.

In the southeast of the zone, Davilas finds Lake Aderoa.

There is a black chest in a ruined building at E-7, but Lexie will not let Davilas enter the building right now. Maybe later.

Looks like the game has a limit to sparkly spot farming. If you hit that limit, it appears you have to wait 220 minutes (3 hours 40 minutes) before you can resume farming.

Near the gate to the Necrodea City Ruins, Davilas finds a convenient Abyss Gate at B-6. He examines it to add a new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

Davilas takes the gate at B-6 to the Royal City of Necrodea Ruins (王都ネクロデア跡).

The description is continued in the comments.




DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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