


DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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Dragon Quest X [PC] #396 (ネタバレあり), V5.0: Farazard: Quest 612: Save the Bazaar

公開日 2022-07-01 19:52:04
タグ Dragon Warrior,Dragon Quest,Dragon Warrior X,Dragon Quest X,DQ10,Enix,Square Enix,Square-Enix,Level 5,Level-5,Armor Project,Bird Studio,Akira Toriyama,Koichi Sugiyama,gaming,video game,playthrough,walkthrough,Shishkebab Gang,#396

This is video #396 in my Dragon Quest X for PC gameplay series. Look out for spoilers (ネタバレあり).

この動画で利用している株式会社スクウェア・エニックスを代表とする共同著作者が権利を所有する著作物及びスギヤマ工房有限会社が権利を所有する楽曲の転載・配布は禁止いたします。 (Reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works owned by co-authors such as Square Enix Co., Ltd. and songs owned by Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. used in this video are prohibited.)

Davilas is currently carrying out the Version 5.0 storyline. Previously, he carried out Quest 611 in the Gerhena Phantom Field and unlocked the checkpoint to the Jalimbaha Desert to the south. He explored the desert and made his way with Yushka to the Sand City of Farazard. There, they met Jilgamot at the bazaar, which seems to be having a problem. Davilas explored the city and then rested at the inn for a scene with Yushka. Now, Davilas will continue the story in Farazard with a story quest.

Davilas resumes in his house in the Azlan housing area. Outside, he checks his mail and receives gold for items that sold on the bazaar. Many thanks to the buyers! At the bazaar, he puts a couple more items up for sale.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to Farazard.

Sand City of Farazard (time 3:13):

Davilas visits the pub and hires a party of support characters.

In the bazaar area, he talks to Jilgamot at E-3. She issues Quest 612: “Save the Bazaar!”. This is a story quest required to progress the storyline. Davilas’s first objective is to talk to Mapricot at the gate to the Dinga Trading Post in the Jalimbaha Desert.

Davilas exits north at E-1 to Jalimbaha Desert.

Jalimbaha Desert (time 7:23):

Davilas gains control at D-7. He follows the path northeast.

At the gate to the Dinga Trading Post at F-5, Davilas talks to Mapricot. This triggers some dialogue. Davilas’s next objective is to visit Neshalot at the Twilight Magic Store in Farazard.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport back to Farazard.

Sand City of Farazard (time 9:37):

On the upper level in the west of town, Davilas talks to Neshalot at the Twilight Magic Store at B-5. This triggers some dialogue. His next objective is to talk to a couple of characters in the bazaar area.

At D-3, Davilas talks to Yusti, a Man o’ War. This triggers an event. Wait, did Yusti give Davilas a puff-puff? Davilas’s HP is restored.

Davilas then talks to Chef Mojave, an Archdemon, at D-3. This triggers another event. Davilas’s MP is restored. Next, he must go to the back alley and talk to Hajaraha.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the back alleys. He arrives at D-7 in the back alleys.

At E-5, Davilas talks to Hajaraha. This triggers some dialogue. Davilas answers “Yes” a couple of times. His next objective is to talk to Harry by the accessory shop in the main part of the city.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the castle gate in the main part of the city. He arrives at D-5.

On the upper level in the east of town, Davilas talks to Harry at G-6. This triggers some dialogue. Davilas must go back to the Twilight Magic Store and talk to Neshalot.

Davilas returns to the Twilight Magic Store at B-5 and talks to Neshalot. This triggers some dialogue. Davilas’s next objective is to hunt Vicious Scarfish in the southwest of Jalimbaha Desert and collect 100 units of Gefendite.

Davilas exits north at D-1 to Jalimbaha Desert.

Jalimbaha Desert (time 23:07):

Davilas gains control at D-7. He goes to the southwestern part of the area.

Starting around B-7 in the southwestern lowlands, Davilas encounters Vicious Scarfish (おばけヒトデ・強). Each leaves behind 10 units of Gefendite.

After defeating 10 Vicious Scarfish, Davilas accumulates the needed 100 units of Gefendite. He acquires the Bag of Gefendite (ゲフェンダイトの袋) key item. His next objective is to deliver this to Neshalot.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport back to Farazard.

Sand City of Farazard (time 27:41):

At B-5, Davilas talks to Neshalot at the Twilight Magic Store. He hands over the Bag of Gefendite. Neshalot does some alchemy and gives him the Lamp of Evil (邪封のランプ) key item. His next objective is to take this lamp to Mapricot at the Dinga Trading Post.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the Dinga Trading Post gate in the Jalimbaha Desert.

Jalimbaha Desert (time 30:11):

Davilas arrives at F-5. He talks to Mapricot nearby and hands over the Lamp of Evil. Then, he chooses the second option, はげしくこする (Rub violently). This triggers an event. The gate to the Dinga Trading Post is open! Davilas’s next objective is to report to Jilgamot in Farazard.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport back to Farazard.

The description is continued in the comments.




DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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