


DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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Dragon Quest X [PC] #391 (ネタバレあり), V5.0: Bardista Fortress: Valeria; Branick Quarry

公開日 2022-06-26 20:18:17
タグ Dragon Warrior,Dragon Quest,Dragon Warrior X,Dragon Quest X,DQ10,Enix,Square Enix,Square-Enix,Level 5,Level-5,Armor Project,Bird Studio,Akira Toriyama,Koichi Sugiyama,gaming,video game,playthrough,walkthrough,Killer Wheel,#391

This is video #391 in my Dragon Quest X for PC gameplay series. Look out for spoilers (ネタバレあり).

この動画で利用している株式会社スクウェア・エニックスを代表とする共同著作者が権利を所有する著作物及びスギヤマ工房有限会社が権利を所有する楽曲の転載・配布は禁止いたします。 (Reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works owned by co-authors such as Square Enix Co., Ltd. and songs owned by Sugiyama Kobo Co., Ltd. used in this video are prohibited.)

Previously, Davilas began the Version 5.0 storyline. After an unenjoyable hot air balloon ride at the Kirakira Windmill Tower, Davilas went to the Inn on the Bridge in Gerd Strait and sailed to Gamilgo’s Shield Island. He defeated the Pyuju Troupe, but the gateway to the Demon World was opened! After the opening movie, Davilas found himself in demon form in the Gerhena Phantom Field. He met his new friend and rescuer, Yushka. Davilas explored Gerhena Phantom Field and then went north to the Grand Court Gate. He has two adventures to complete now: one in the Magical Land of Zekres to the east and another at Bardista Fortress to the west. Davilas will first go west to Bardista Fortress in the Bardia Mountains.

Davilas resumes in his house in the Azlan housing area. Outside, he checks his mail and receives gold for items that sold on the bazaar. Many thanks to the buyers! At the bank, Davilas deposits his gold.

Davilas uses the Abyss Jewel to teleport to the gate to the Bardia Mountains the Gerhena Phantom Field.

Gerhena Phantom Field (time 2:45):

Davilas arrives at C-4. By the gate to the Bardia Mountains, he talks to Amagas. Amagas issues Quest 610: “Bardista Checkpoint”. This story quest is required to go west to the Bardia Mountains. Davilas must defeat a Vicious Bunicorn (いっかくうさぎ・強) in the Gerhena Phantom Field and acquire a Phantom Beast Horn (幻獣のツノ).

Around C-5 by the southwestern lake shore, Davilas encounters a couple of Vicious Bunicorns. At the end of the battle, he acquires a Phantom Beast Horn (幻獣のツノ) key item. The next objective is to turn this in to Amagas.

Davilas teleports to the Bardia Mountains gate. At C-4, he reports to Amagas and turns in the Phantom Beast Horn. Quest 610 complete! Davilas earns the privilege to go through the gate to Bardia Mountains, where Bardista Fortress is located.

Davilas takes the gate at C-4 to the Bardia Mountains.

Bardia Mountains (time 7:34):

Davilas gains control at H-5 in the east. His ultimate destination is Bardia Fortress in the west. He will start by exploring the zone.

At H-6, a black chest contains 3 pieces of Magic Red Tree Board (魔紅樹の板).

At E-5/F-5, a black chest contains a Dragon Scale (竜のおまもり) accessory.

At D-3, Davilas examines the Abyss Gate near the exit to Moonlight Valley. This adds a new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

At E-2 in the north, Davilas examines another Abyss Gate near the exit to Tabor Gorge. This adds another new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

At B-2 in the northwest, a black chest contains a Venus’ Tear (ビーナスのなみだ) accessory.

At B-6 in the southwest, a red chest contains an Elfin Elixir. Ooh, yes!

At E-7 in the south, a black chest contains a Great Earth Dragon Ball (大地の大竜玉) accessory.

At F-7 in the southeast, a black chest contains a Rousing Ring (めざましリング) accessory.

By the entrance to Branick Quarry at F-6, Davilas examines an Abyss Gate. This adds another new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

On the battlement northeast of the entrance to Bardista Fortress, a black chest at D-4 contains 3 Green Orbs.

At B-5, Davilas enters Bardista Fortress.

Bardista Fortress (time 22:00):

As Davilas enters Bardista Fortress, a scene with Yushka takes place. The scene includes the icy Demon Queen Valeria.

After the scene, Davilas gains control at G-4 in the east. The next objective is to approach the castle gate to the west.

Davilas examines the Abyss Gate at G-4. This adds the fortress entrance to the Abyss Jewel as a destination.

Bargel at F-5 has story information.

Davilas enters the inn at F-4 and goes upstairs. On the upstairs balcony, a black chest at F-4 contains a Machine God’s Eye (機神の眼甲) accessory.

Davilas also rests at the inn. When he wakes up, he reaches Fame Level 56.

Davilas enters the northeastern building at E-2. He goes upstairs and then out the southern door at E-2. Atop the building at E-3, a black chest contains a Blank Card.

Behind the southernmost building, a red chest at E-8 contains 3 pieces of Magic Beast Hide.

At B-5, Davilas examines the Abyss Gate outside the castle entrance. This adds another new destination to the Abyss Jewel.

At B-4, Davilas examines the door to the castle. This triggers a scene with Yushka and the guards. It looks like Davilas and Yushka won’t be getting in so easily. Davilas must now search the town and find a way in.

Oto at B-5 has story information.

The description is continued in the comments.




DQX 結晶金策の効率を高める方法

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